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It is with great pleasure to announce that we are back in-person to the 15th Annual Advanced Sales Premium Finance Conference hosted by Succession Capital Alliance and sponsored by Pacific Life. What happens here, only happens here and we are pleased to extend an invitation to Financial Professionals across the country for this two day event! 

One thing we believe the last two years has taught us is how important being together in person is to building relationships and growing your businesses. Knowing how important it is to come together, we hope you will join us in person at this year’s Advanced Sales Premium Finance Conference. 

Topics will include: 
– Learn how to grow your business through the power of Premium Financing 
– Hear firsthand how Succession Capital Alliance can take your practice to the next level
– Learn about SCA’s exclusive loan programs that will give you a competitive advantage over anyone in the industry. 

If you are a Financial Professional and interested in attending please contact SCA’s Marketing Director Adrina Movsesian at: