SCA Foundation
Striving to push boundaries and expectations to create a better world and future
Our mission is to help others recognize the potential to change the world and take advantage of the opportunity to be a part of it.
The SCA Foundation’s capstone initiative is to help provide impacted families find a place to call home.
Aiming to create a better future
Built on the philanthropic efforts of Julian and Aleen Movsesian, the SCA Foundation was created in 2014 as simply a place to streamline charitable contributions. Today it’s evolved into something greater: an opportunity for our entire network to magnify the impact of their generosity.
Each year the SCA Foundation focuses on a single initiative which urgently requires our support and financial aid. Won’t you join us — and help make a better world now?
We’re Making an Impact on These Organizations
Donate today and be a part of our initiative in helping everyone have a place to call home.